Adding annotations

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To add a description of the purpose of an application, give instructions on how to use it, or write down notes. CUBE has the option to add annotations:

1. Click on the Annotation symbol in the toolbar


Right-click on a space in the canvas > Add > Annotation

2. Write down the desired annotation content and select some of the format options in the Edit Text Annotation window > Add

3. Click and drag the annotation box to move it to the desire location.

To edit the content of the annotation:

  • Right-click on the annotation box > Edit > Update
  • Double-click on the annotation box > Update

To copy an annotation:

  • Right-click on the annotation > Copy
Tip: Use the CTRL+C and CTRL+V shortcut to copy and paste an annotation.

To delete an annotation:

• Right-click on the annotation > Delete

Tip: As a shortcut you can delete an annotation by clicking on it and using the Delete key.

To edit the color of the annotation:

  1. Right-click on the annotation > Color > Choose
  2. Click on the corresponding color box to select a color for the Text, Shadow and Highlight of the annotation
  3. Click Update when done

To edit the font and size of the annotation:

  1. Right-click on the annotation > Font > Choose
  2. Select from the options the desired Font, Font style, Size > OK